Safety concerns, attitude and behavior problems, absences and/or tardiness, lack of financial responsibility, bullying may all affect the athlete’s participation in the program. 

Code of Conduct

The Junior Charger Cheer Program strives to teach our athletes respect and sportsmanship in the context of God’s word.  All athletes will demonstrate courtesy, responsibility, dependability, compassion, honesty, and Christian behavior at all times.  At competitions, performances, or any other situation where the athlete is representing Junior Charger Cheer Program, the athlete will conduct themself accordingly.  Good sportsmanship is essential and mandated.  Positive, Christian attitudes, words, and actions are expected at all times.

Sportsmanship and team unity are very important to our program.  Our mission is to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment where all show respect to one another.  Please be courteous and considerate to all teams and athletes.  This includes other cheerleading programs, other Junior Charger Cheer teams and competition event staff and judges.  Please don’t speak negatively about any person, decision, or result.  This includes social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) and message boards! 

anti-bullying policy

It is expected that the conduct of our athletes will be Christ-Driven, that our love for Jesus will be shown in our words and actions to teammates and coaches.  Our JCC program is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, environment for both our athletes and staff.  We feel strongly that bullying is unacceptable.  Our programs will not tolerate any behavior which is emotionally or physically harmful to an athlete or staff member.  

As a coaching staff, we will be working with athletes to correct behavior that is deemed inappropriate - disrespectful language, unwelcome physical contact, etc.  If any behavior which is emotionally or physically harmful to an athlete or staff member is witnessed or reported, we WILL be reaching out to parents to discuss and likely request an in-person meeting.  

We encourage you, to encourage your athlete to reach out to coaches immediately at practice so we can try to address it right away.  If you as a parent have concerns about an experience your athlete relayed to you, please reach out to our Program Administration as soon as possible.  

Our anti-bullying policy also applies to the use of social media. 

Cyberbullying/Harassment via social media will not be tolerated.  If instances are brought to our attention, this same policy will apply, we WILL be reaching out to parents to discuss and likely request an in-person meeting.  

Our prayer is that these types of situations will not be experienced in our program.  However, our goal is to support those that express concern, reach out to those involved to communicate these concerns, and give the opportunity to change behavior moving forward.  Bullying in any form will NOT be tolerated.  If after concerns are shared with a parent, a SECOND instance occurs, we will be asking the athlete to discontinue participation in our program.


Junior Charger Cheer athletes are representatives of the program. Social media statements and/or pictures may affect the athlete’s reputation, as well as the reputation of their parents and the Junior Charger Program. Athletes are reminded to make use of the many forms of social media in a God-pleasing manner. Posting confidential information, derogatory, discriminatory, negative or sexist messages or photos on social networks, (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.) is harmful and not reflective of the sanctified lifestyle of God’s children. Athlete misconduct through these social media outlets will be dealt with on an individual basis and may jeopardize participation.

Attendance Policy

All team practices, performances and competitions are mandatory and must be attended by all team members.  All absences affect the team in a negative way and decrease the chance for success for that team.  Absences may result in an athlete being moved out of their spot in their routine or removal from a competition or performance.  The implementation and enforcement of all attendance-related issues is entirely at the discretion of the Administrator.

illness policy

We follow KMLHS's school policy on illnesses: Parents are asked to keep athletes home when they show symptoms of illness. If your athlete has an upset stomach, you should keep them home for 24 hours after their last occurrence of vomit or loose stool. If your athlete has a fever, they should be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before attending practice/performance.

Excused absences

The only absences that are excused are absences due to:

  • illness to the team member and/or immediate family members which require travel and attention

    • If a practice is missed due to an illness or family emergency, the parent must contact the Program Head Coach with as much advance notice as possible.  The athlete must catch-up on any missed material prior to the next practice.

  • KML Schools’ related athletic activities

    • It is critical that Kettle Moraine Lutheran Schools’ athletic participation not be negatively affected by participation in the Junior Charger Cheer Program.  We ask that parents inform us of KML Schools participation so we can assist in coordinating schedules and identifying conflicts.  We also ask that parents communicate any KML Schools’ conflicts to us as soon as possible.  We can truly minimize impact on the team as a whole the earlier this information is in our hands.

Up to ONE excused absence will also be allowed for:

  • family vacation/wedding OR

  • required school/church obligations

These dates should be submitted using our absence form link - 2024-2025 Absence Form

Excused absences for competition dates are HIGHLY discouraged.  If it is determined that it is unavoidable, and an excused absence must be used for a competition, the athlete’s spots in choreography will be assigned accordingly to lessen impact on the team as a whole. Please reach out to program administration to discuss.

All absences should be submitted using our Absence Form.  This form must be submitted by September 1, 2024 for the absence to be EXCUSED.  After September 1, 2024 the conflict may not be considered excused.  We ask that you take our season schedule into account when planning activities (non-KML Schools’) after the September 1, 2024 deadline.

EXCUSED absences require contacting the Program Head Coach BY THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE NEXT PRACTICE to find out what the athlete will be missing so they can practice at home.  If the athlete is not caught up, a private practice may be scheduled.

Flex Practices

We will have two “Flex Practices”, one in October and one in January.  These are scheduled during typical breaks from school.  These practices will help us better prepare for our competitions without starting the season earlier.  We would ask that athletes attend unless a family vacation, etc. is already scheduled.  If an athlete can not attend, please complete the bottom portion of the Absence Form by September 1, 2024.  This absence will NOT count against the athlete’s allotted excused absence.  

Unexcused Absences

Absences beyond the ONE listed above may be considered unexcused.  Any absence requests submitted after September 1, 2024 may be considered unexcused.

The first unexcused absence may result in an IN-PERSON meeting between the program staff and parent(s).  The second unexcused absence will result in an IN-PERSON meeting between the program staff and parent(s) and may result in an athlete being moved out of their spot in their routine or removal from a competition or performance.

For an unexcused absence, a private practice may be set up with a coach.

Any NON-EMERGENCY absences (excused/unexcused, by September 1st deadline or after the deadline) must be submitted using our Absence Forms.  Please do not contact the Head Coach with absence requests.

injury-related absences

When participation is restricted due to a doctor’s restriction for an injury, the athlete/parent must present the doctor’s restrictions in writing and a doctor’s release upon return to the Administrator. Injuries should be communicated with the Program Head Coach as soon as possible to mitigate impact on the team.

unofficial junior charger cheer gatherings

Any gathering by a team outside of a Junior Charger Cheer practice, competition or performance that is not posted on the official Junior Charger Cheer calendar is a non-sanctioned event, and the Junior Charger Cheer Program will not be held liable for any injuries, damages or issues that arise during the non-sanctioned event.  All financial, insurance and supervisory responsibility is assumed by the adult who has organized the non-sanctioned event.


Tardiness to practices, games or events shows a lack of respect and creates an inconvenience for the rest of the team.  Athletes must be prepared to begin practice at the time practice is scheduled to start (by warm-up start).  We ask that athletes arrive during their “report time” window between 15 minutes before practice start time to 5 minutes before practice start time (i.e. if practice starts at 4:00pm the report time window is 3:45-3:55pm). The gym doors will close promptly at practice start times. Any athlete entering after the doors are closed will be considered tardy. Athletes should be picked-up no more than 10 minutes after practice ends.

Arrival times to competitions will be communicated a minimum of 2 days prior to the competition.  Competition organizers typically release the warm-up and performance line-up between 2-5 days prior to the competition. There will also be a report time window for competitions. Athletes will arrive “competition ready”, in full uniform from head to toe.  Athletes that arrive late to competition and miss the team’s official warm-up may not be permitted to compete with their team.

If you are running late, please CALL (do NOT email) the Head Coach.  Contacting the head coach does not indicate excusal from the Tardiness.

The first tardy to a practice or competition will result in a warning, the second tardy may result in an in-person meeting between the program staff and parent.  The third tardy will result in an in-person meeting between the program staff and parent and may result in an athlete being moved out of their spot in their routine or removal from a competition or performance.

If an athlete misses more than half of the practice, it may be considered an unexcused absence (see unexcused absence policy above).

Quitting or LEaving the Team

Once teams have been set and choreography started, an athlete leaving the program can be a significant impact on the team as a whole.  A meeting with program administration is encouraged to determine if a resolution can be reached before this ultimate decision is made.  If leaving the program is determined to be the best course of action, please note that registration for future seasons is dependent on the approval from the administration.  A meeting with the athlete and parent would be required to determine if previous issues and concerns have been addressed.  The administration reserves the right to restrict future participation if continued concern about overall team impact is not assured.  Please also see our REFUND POLICY in our COST section.


No athlete has a right or guarantee to any particular role or location in a routine.  There are various reasons coaches may put (or move) athletes in certain roles, spots in a formation, or a stunt group.  Oftentimes this has nothing to do with the athlete’s ability, as there are multiple other important items to consider when working on a routine.  Aspects such as the flow of choreography, or a difference of formations, are just some of the many reasons for athletes to be placed in or moved to certain roles, formations or stunt groups.  Each member of the team is vital to their team’s overall success.

Repetition is the nature of cheerleading.  Athletes learn a routine early in the season and repetitively practice that same routine throughout the entire season, often with very few changes.  This is by design, as we want to be sure athletes are able to perform confidently and “leave the mat proud”.  However, this may be something to consider for athletes that get frustrated with repetition.


While we strive to provide the safest possible environment for our athletes, injuries and/or illnesses may occur.  The Junior Charger Cheer Program is not liable for any injury or expenses resulting from participation in our program.  Every athlete must have their own insurance coverage to defray medical or other expenses.

Team members may not attempt tumbling or stunts without proper instruction, adequate facilities and equipment, sufficient supervision and spotters.  Team members will not use equipment without coach supervision.

The Junior Charger Cheer coaches and athletes will follow the safety guidelines of the National Federation of High Schools and American Association of Cheer Coaches and Administrators at all times.  All athletes and parents are encouraged to review the NFHS and AACCA rules, which are posted at

STUNTING – Perfect before Progress

Junior Charger Cheer athletes will take time to perfect lower level and less complicated skills before attempting to move to higher and more advanced skills.  Each individual has a unique learning potential with specific strengths and weaknesses that require regular evaluation and re-evaluation.  Athletes must demonstrate proficiency in basic level skills before advancing to the next progressive level.  The Junior Charger Cheer Program uses skill progression to create muscle memory to ultimately protect the athlete and to protect the coach and administration. 


The Junior Charger Cheer Program highly encourages all athletes to take tumbling classes if they wish to learn, improve and add to their tumbling repertoire as the time constraints of our season do not allow us to teach or develop tumbling skills.  Classes/open gym opportunities at Elite Tumbling Factory can be found at  We highly recommend this gym with its very experienced coaches that work solely with cheerleaders and dancers.  

The Junior Charger Cheer Program reserves the right for the athlete to demonstrate the tumbling skill to the satisfaction of the Head Coach before the athlete is allowed to perform the skill at practice and competitions.  Please understand that simply completing a skill well enough to land it or without “touching down” doesn't necessarily mean that an athlete has that skill or that it will be choreographed into the competition routine.  Proper technique and execution is a huge part of every score sheet at a competition, therefore a skill performed with bad technique, although it may be a skill at the top of that level, will not score for the team and may not be able to be used.  Once the tumbling skill is choreographed and confirmed by the Head Coach, the athlete must consistently perform their choreographed tumbling skill in every practice, or it will be pulled from choreography. 

Dress Code for Practices and every time the Junior Charger Cheer uniform is Worn

Jewelry creates an unsafe environment for stunting and tumbling.  No jewelry of any kind is permitted in practice or performance.  Hair must be pulled up and back off the face and shoulders. 

Please make note that the coaching staff is NOT responsible for any jewelry that is removed in the practice gym.  If you don’t want to lose it, leave it at home please!

Cheer shoes must be worn at all practices, events, and competitions.  Shoes should be carried in to practice, and put on right before stepping onto the mats. 

Team members are responsible for the care and appearance of uniform items.  Lost or damaged items must be replaced and are each family’s responsibility to re-order/purchase.

Team members will always be dressed in appropriate attire for all practices and performance events.  Athletes may not wear spandex shorts unless under another pair of athletic shorts or crop tops (that show the midriff).

Unless specifically told otherwise for a special event, team members may not wear parts of the uniform with any other clothing items.  Athletes are required to arrive at events fully dressed from head-to-toe.  Athletes are required to remain in full uniform at competitions from time of arrival to awards ceremony.

Additional specific dress code rules applicable every time the Junior Charger Cheer uniform is worn are as follows:  

  • No glittery barrettes or headbands are allowed to be worn.

  • Make up: Make-up is not necessary, and is discouraged!

  • Nails: Only plain, natural unpolished nails. Nails must be trimmed short so that when looking at the palm of the hand, you do not see the nails.

  • Athlete’s sports bra/bra should be neutral in color (nude, black, white) as it may be visible near the uniform neckline.

When in uniform, be sure not to be placed into inappropriate situations that could reflect badly upon the program, yourself, your family, and ultimately your Savior.  Junior Charger Cheer Program reserves the right to prohibit an athlete from participating at practice, competition, or any other Junior Charger Cheer event if they are in violation of the Dress Code Policy.

Ear Piercing

Athletes are not permitted to wear earrings or any other type of piercings at practices, competitions, or performances.  If an athlete has recently pierced their ears, they will need to remove their earrings before practice or competitions.

Please make note that the coaching staff is NOT responsible for any jewelry that is removed in the practice gym.  If you don’t want to lose it, leave it at home please!

Intellectual Property

All music, cheers, dances, stunts and any choreography or ideas that are presented to athletes during practices are to remain confidential and should not be discussed, taught, or given to others outside our program.  The coaching staff puts great effort into creating original material for our teams, and we do not wish it to be shared with friends, school teammates, athletes or parents in other cheer programs.

Permission is required before anyone may create any product that uses or displays our name or logo.  All sales involving Junior Charger Cheer merchandise must go through Junior Charger Cheer.

Use of Email for Solicitations

Email addresses for all members are personal, and to be used to communicate Junior Charger Cheer business only.